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The Lesser-Known Symptoms of Menopause That Might Surprise You Oct 15th, 2024

Perimenopause and menopause are defining times in a woman’s life. In the former, her body transitions from a fertile state to a non-fertile one; in the latter, it has ended its reproductive capacity. Much is made of the numerous uncomfortable symptoms, such as night sweats and mood swings, that accompany...

With So Many Contraception Options, How Can I Pick the Right One for Me? Sep 17th, 2024

Sex is a natural part of life, but you might not want to get pregnant as a result, and that’s okay. There are numerous types of contraceptives that can prevent an unwanted pregnancy without compromising your health. At the OB/GYN practice of Dr. Hany H Ahmed, we offer our patients...

When Should I Be Concerned About Irregular Menstrual Bleeding? Aug 15th, 2024

Irregular menstrual bleeding may be disconcerting, but it doesn’t always mean there’s something seriously wrong.  Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed sees all manner of irregular bleeding at his practice in Houston, Texas, diagnosing and treating a wide range of gynecological conditions. Here’s when you needn’t be concerned about irregular...

5 STDs and How to Prevent Them Jul 23rd, 2024

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) come in many forms, some more easily transmissible than others. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed offers education about and testing for STDs at his office in Houston, Texas. If you’re concerned you might be at risk of getting or transmitting an STD, come into the...

Your Guide to Tubal Reversal Jun 17th, 2024

If you’re looking for contraception options, tubal ligation, where your fallopian tubes are blocked so sperm can’t reach the egg, is about 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.  Colloquially known as “having your tubes tied,” it’s generally recommended only if the woman is sure she doesn’t want more children since it’s...

Routine Care During Pregnancy and What to Expect May 2nd, 2024

If you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, routine prenatal care can ensure you and your unborn child are safe and healthy. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed provides comprehensive pregnancy care before, during, and after delivery. Here’s what you need to know about prenatal care and what to expect...

Will Fibroids Resolve on Their Own? Apr 4th, 2024

Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in or on the uterus but don’t always produce symptoms. If they do, those can range from heavier-than-normal menstrual cycles to infertility. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed diagnoses and treats all types of irregular bleeding at his practice in Houston, Texas, including that...

What Qualifies Pap Smear Results as Abnormal? Mar 2nd, 2024

Cervical cancer was once the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. However, that’s changed over the last 40 years, primarily because of the Pap smear, or Pap test, now part of a routine well-woman exam. The Pap test screens for precancerous cells that may turn cancerous and cancerous lesions....

How Do I Know if I'm in Menopause? Feb 2nd, 2024

Menopause is the stage in a woman’s life where her fertility comes to a close. The diagnosis becomes official when you haven’t menstruated for 12 consecutive months.  Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause that comes with all the nasty symptoms women complain about. While the exact timing is...

Is an IUD Safe? Jan 17th, 2024

Sex is a normal, healthy part of life, but that doesn’t mean you always want to run the risk of getting pregnant. Fortunately, different kinds of contraception can prevent pregnancy. How do you know, though, which type is right for you? Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed offers a variety...

Am I Infertile or Just Having a Hard Time Getting Pregnant? Dec 5th, 2023

If you’ve been trying to have a child without success, it could mean you’re infertile, or it could mean there’s something blocking the reproductive process — anything from spotty periods to problems with your pituitary gland. Medically, a couple is considered infertile if they’ve tried to become pregnant for a...

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Eliminate My Menopausal Symptoms? Nov 15th, 2023

Estrogen is one of a collection of hormones that regulate sexual and reproductive development in women. The ovaries are the primary source, though the adrenal glands and fat cells make small amounts as well. Estrogen is a workhorse. It not only regulates the menstrual cycle but impacts bone density, breast...

The Link Between Fibroids and Irregular Bleeding Oct 2nd, 2023

Irregular bleeding is any bleeding not normal for you, whether it’s heavier-than-normal menstrual bleeding, spotting between periods, or bleeding after sex. Bleeding can result from a number of causes, but one of the most common is uterine fibroids. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed diagnoses and treats all manner of...

Are IUDs Safe? Sep 1st, 2023

If you’re looking for contraception, there are many options. If you want something long-term with no muss, no fuss, an intrauterine device (IUD) might be a good choice. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed offers a variety of contraception options, including IUDs, at his office in Houston, Texas. When you come in for...

Should I Be Concerned About an Abnormal Pap Smear? Aug 2nd, 2023

Cervical cancer was once the most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women. That changed, largely because of a test called the Pap smear, now part of a routine well-woman exam. The Pap smear, or Pap test, is a screening tool for precancerous cells that may become cancerous. Detecting such...

The First Steps to Dealing with Your Infertility Jul 6th, 2023

A couple trying to become pregnant for one year without success is medically considered infertile. If the woman is over 35 years old, the length of time drops to six months for an infertility diagnosis. Infertility doesn’t include miscarriages or an inability to carry a baby to term. At the...

Safe Prenatal Exercise: How to Stay Active Through the Hot Summer Months Jun 9th, 2023

If you’re pregnant, you’re already dealing with weight, balance, and stamina issues, so why would you want to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, especially during the hot summer months Texas is famous for? Because, as board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed says, exercise is part of staying healthy, and when you’re...

Can I Get Pregnant if I Have Endometriosis? May 17th, 2023

Endometriosis occurs when tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. It affects more than 11% of American women ages 15-44 and is especially common among women in their 30s and 40s during their peak childbearing years. At the OB/GYN office of Dr. Hany H Ahmed in Houston, Texas, Dr. Ahmed and...

I've Been Diagnosed with High-Risk HPV: What's Next? Apr 13th, 2023

Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States. It’s so common that, by age 50, about 4 in 5 women have been infected with HPV at some point. More than 40 HPV strains can infect the genital areas of men and women,...

Can Intrauterine Insemination Improve My Chances of Getting Pregnant? Mar 15th, 2023

Infertility is more common than you might think. In the U.S., 1 in 5 heterosexual women 15-49 with no prior births can’t get pregnant after a year of trying, the medical definition of infertility. About 1 in 4 has impaired fecundity, difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term....

Understanding the Different Types of IUDs Feb 15th, 2023

When it comes to contraception, you have many choices. But how do you decide which type is right for you? If you’re looking for something long-term, an intrauterine device (IUD) might be a good choice. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed offers a variety of birth control options, including IUDs, at his office...

Why Having Hypertension During Pregnancy Is Considered High-Risk Jan 16th, 2023

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can affect any person at any age. If caught early enough, it can be managed with medication and lifestyle changes. For women who are pregnant, though, hypertension puts them and their babies at high risk and requires prompt medical attention. Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Hany H Ahmed and...

What Is Vaginal Estrogen and How Does It Work? Dec 13th, 2022

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s ability to give birth. When you haven’t menstruated for 12 consecutive months, you’re medically considered to be in menopause. The dreaded symptoms that come with this phase of life are actually a product of perimenopause, the period leading up to menopause. Symptoms generally...

How Does an IUD Work? Nov 9th, 2022

Sexual intercourse is a natural, healthy part of life, but you may not always want to get pregnant as a result. That’s where contraception comes in. There are many types of contraception, including the intrauterine (IUD) device, which can be a long-term solution for birth control. At the OB/GYN office...

The Many Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy Oct 11th, 2022

Estrogen is any of a group of hormones, signaling molecules important for normal sexual and reproductive development in women. The primary source of these hormones is a woman's ovaries, though the adrenal glands and fat cells also make small amounts. Estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle, but it also affects the...

Knowing Your Options for Infertility Treatment Sep 1st, 2022

Doctors consider a couple infertile if they try to become pregnant but fail to do so within one year. If the woman is over 35, the amount of time drops to six months to receive an infertility diagnosis. Infertility doesn’t include miscarrying or being unable to carry a baby to...

Does an Abnormal Pap Smear Mean I Have Cancer? Aug 8th, 2022

Some 40 years ago, cervical cancer was the most common cause of cancer deaths among women. That changed, largely because of the Pap smear, now part of a routine well-woman exam. The Pap smear, sometimes called a Pap test, is a screening tool for precancerous cells that may become cancerous. Detecting precancerous...

5 Popular Types of Contraception Jul 6th, 2022

Sex is a normal, healthy part of life, but you don’t always want to become pregnant as a result. Fortunately, you have a number of contraception options available to help avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Board-certified OB/GYN specialist Dr. Hany H Ahmed understands the importance of contraception in a healthy relationship, which is why he...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Heavy Periods Jun 1st, 2022

Heavy menstrual bleeding, or menorrhagia, occurs when your periods are extremely heavy or last longer than seven days. Bleeding may be so heavy you have to change your tampon or pad every hour for several hours, and you may pass blood clots larger than a quarter. While heavy periods are...

How Does PCOS Affect Fertility? May 1st, 2022

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. It affects 1 in 10 women in their childbearing years. Many women discover they have it when they have difficulty becoming pregnant. At the OB/GYN office of Dr. Hany H Ahmed in Houston, Texas, we offer innovative treatments for...

Are Menopause Symptoms Inevitable? Apr 4th, 2022

Menopause marks the period in a woman’s life where she can no longer bear children. Medically, you reach that point when you haven’t menstruated for 12 consecutive months.  Most women dread the symptoms that come along with menopause, but they’re acually a product of perimenopause, the period that leads up...

Why Prenatal Care Is So Important Mar 3rd, 2022

Until your baby is born, it’s entirely dependent on you to survive, develop, and thrive. That’s why prenatal care, the medical care you get while you’re pregnant, is so important. Every time you come into the office, your doctor checks both your health and the health of your fetus.  With...

What You Need to Know About Tubal Reversal Feb 1st, 2022

Getting your “tubes tied” (medically known as tubal ligation or female sterilization) is a relatively permanent form of birth control.  By tying, cutting, or blocking your fallopian tubes, the procedure prevents eggs from moving to your uterus with ovulation and also prevents sperm from reaching the egg to fertilize it....

When Fibroids Need Medical Attention Jan 12th, 2022

Uterine fibroids, also called myomas or leiomyomas, are noncancerous growths that develop within the uterine lining, often during a woman’s childbearing years. They’re not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer, nor do they commonly develop into any form of cancer. Fibroids range in size from tiny spots you...

How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affects Fertility Dec 9th, 2021

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertility in women. It’s due to a hormonal imbalance that affects normal ovulation, and it may lead to fewer than eight menstrual cycles per year. PCOS affects 1 in 10 women during their peak reproductive years. At the OB/GYN practice...

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer Nov 10th, 2021

Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of the cervix — the lowermost part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Most cases are caused by various strains of HPV, the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection. At the OB/GYN practice of Dr. Hany H Ahmed in Houston, Texas, Dr....

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Chronic Pelvic Pain Oct 11th, 2021

Chronic pelvic pain, pain that lasts six months or longer, affects up to 15% of women of childbearing age. The pain may stem from a number of sources, but they all lead to the same endpoint — moodiness, depression, and a constant feeling that you’re at odds with your body....

Is Pregnancy Safe After Age 40? Sep 8th, 2021

Having a baby and starting a family can be a wonderful experience, but if you’re a woman over 40, pregnancy is considered high-risk. So the question becomes: If you’re over 40, can you have a safe and healthy pregnancy, for both you and your baby? Experienced and board-certified OB/GYN Dr....

5 Benefits of an IUD Aug 12th, 2021

Sex is a normal, healthy part of your life. But not every woman wants to become pregnant. That’s why many types of contraceptives exist. All work toward the same goal, but they each get there in a different way.  Intrauterine devices (IUDs) have been around since the beginning of the...

Do You Have These Symptoms of Menopause? Jul 15th, 2021

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s fertility. You officially reach that milestone when you haven’t menstruated for 12 consecutive months.  Perimenopause is the period leading up to menopause that has all the nasty symptoms. Those symptoms generally start between ages 45-55 and last about four years. The exact timing...

Next Steps After an Abnormal Pap Smear Jun 22nd, 2021

Cervical cancer used to be the most common cause of cancer deaths among women. That’s changed over the last 40 years, largely because of the Pap smear, also known as a Pap test, which is now part of a routine well-woman exam. The test is used to screen for precancerous...

What Are My Options for Contraception? May 24th, 2021

Sexual intercourse is a normal and healthy part of your life, but you don’t always want it to lead to pregnancy. Fortunately, women have a number of options available to help avoid an unwanted pregnancy. At the OB/GYN practice of Dr. Hany H Ahmed in Houston, Texas, we’re pleased to...

Causes of Irregular Bleeding Apr 20th, 2021

A normal menstrual cycle is 24-38 days, with bleeding that lasts no more than eight days.  However, 14% of women experience irregular, abnormal, or even painful periods. While it’s absolutely normal for your cycle to change over time — and even month to month — abnormal bleeding can signal that...

The Many Benefits of Comprehensive Prenatal Care Mar 18th, 2021

Prenatal care is any medical care you get while you’re pregnant. At every visit, your doctor checks on your health and the health of your fetus.  By getting early and regular prenatal care, you’re more likely to have a healthy pregnancy and carry your baby full term — the time...

PCOS and Fertility Feb 15th, 2021

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a health condition caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age.  Most women learn they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s, when they have problems getting pregnant. It’s the leading...

The Two Approaches to Birth Control (Hormonal and Barrier) Jan 20th, 2021

Sex is a normal and healthy part of life, but you don’t always want it to lead to pregnancy. Fortunately, there are effective methods a woman can use to prevent an unwanted birth. At the OB/GYN practice of Dr. Hany H Ahmed in Houston, Texas, we’re pleased to offer our...

Pelvic Pain Isn't Something You Should Endure Dec 15th, 2020

Up to 15% of women of childbearing age experience pelvic pain that lasts longer than six months, making it a chronic and distressing condition.  The pain can come from a wide variety of sources, but the end result is the same — you’re uncomfortable, you get moody or depressed, and...

How to Prepare Mentally for IVF Nov 13th, 2020

Infertility can be a major stumbling block in a couple's relationship, and in their lives. Infertility for a woman is defined as the inability to get pregnant or stay pregnant after 12 months of trying, or after six months for women 35 and older. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the...

Can I Still Get Pregnant if I Have Uterine Fibroids? Oct 14th, 2020

Uterine fibroids, also called leiomyomas or myomas, are noncancerous growths in or on the uterus that often appear during a woman’s childbearing years. They aren’t associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer, and they rarely develop into any form of cancer. Fibroids range in size from tiny spots invisible...

Is it Normal to Bleed after Intercourse? Sep 15th, 2020

Vaginal bleeding after sex (postcoital bleeding) isn’t uncommon. Up to 63% of postmenopausal women experience bleeding or spotting due to vaginal dryness, and up to 9% of menstruating women experience the same, though usually from issues with the cervix. Occasional, light bleeding is rarely dangerous and probably doesn’t need the...

Signs You Might Have Gestational Diabetes Aug 1st, 2020

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that’s diagnosed for the first time during gestation, or pregnancy.  Like other forms of the disease, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use glucose, the sugar that provides energy for your body, increasing blood sugar to levels that can affect both you and...

My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — Now What? Jul 1st, 2020

Cervical cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. That’s changed over the last 40 years, due in large part to the Pap smear. A Pap smear, also known as a Pap test, is now part of a routine well-woman exam. A Pap smear is used...

How Menopause Can Affect Your Everyday Life Jun 8th, 2020

For most women, menopause isn’t a sudden event. Instead, it’s a transitional period that can last months — often years — as the ovaries gradually reduce their production of reproductive hormones. When this happens, many women find themselves feeling off-kilter and wondering whether it’s their “new normal.”  Fortunately, OB/GYN Hany...